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Zero Cash Out
This payment solution allows you to drive your own car without the need to cash-out a single centavo and use your deposit savings as a Holdout to serve as the down payment.
Offer Highlights
No initial cash out on Down Payment

Down payment will be held in client's account instead

Higher Loan Amount

Up to 100% of Net Selling Price


Held deposit will continue to grow interest

Offer Mechanics

You can now own your dream car without shelling out a huge amount of money and can keep it in your deposit account. Below is a sample comparison between Regular BPI Auto Loan vs Zero Cash-Out:

Sample Amortization (Regular Auto Loan vs. Zero Cash Out)

SRP: Php 1,250,000

SpecificsRegular Auto LoanCash-out
Loan Term60 Months60 Months
Loan AmountPhp 1,000,000Php 1,250,000
Down PaymentPhp 200,000*0**

*20% of the vehicle's selling price

**The bank will hold 20% of the vehicle's selling price from the client's deposit account and will serve as the downpayment

Terms and Conditions

1. Zero Cash Out is available to individual applicants who want to avail a brand new passenger car.

2. The maximum loan term is 5 years.

3. The minimum loan amount is Php 500,000.

4. The bank will hold 20% of the vehicle's selling price from the client's deposit account and will serve as the downpayment.

5. Account of the client must be either Savings Account, Current Account or Time Deposits.

How to apply


1. Go to any BPI branch.

2. Completely fill out the application form.

3. Submit the requirements. Your application will be reviewed and processed.

4. If your application is approved, you will receive an SMS notification and will be asked to visit the branch or a Loans Business Center.

5. Sign the loan documents.


1. Completely fill out our Auto Loan online application form.

2. Submit the requirements. Your application will be reviewed and processed.

3. If your application is approved, you will receive an SMS notification and will be asked to visit the branch or a Loans Business Center.

4. Sign the loan documents.

Regular Auto Loan vs. Zero Cash Out

SpecificsRegular Auto LoanZero Cash Out
Amount of monthly Payment/ AmortizationFixed equal monthly payments for the duration of the loan term. No annual price increaseFixed equal monthly payments. Amount financed is equal to the vehicle's net selling price
Product BenefitBudget your monthly expenses ahead of time and set aside the same fixed amount from start to end of your loan termNo initial cash out on downpayment. The amount will instead be held in your account and continue to grow interest
Type of Vehicle to PurchaseBrand New or Pre-Owned
Passenger Vehicle

Can be used to purchase Big Bikes or Trucks
Brand New
Passenger Vehicle
Term of Duration of LoanCan opt for short or long term such as 1,2,3,4 or 5 years5 years
Motor InsuranceOutright Payment before loan availment. Insurance premium for succeeding years are paid in lump sum every year Outright Payment before loan availment. Insurance premium for succeeding years are paid in lump sum every year 
Initial Cash OutStandard cash-out for Insurance Premium and Chattel MortgageZero cash out on downpayment
PriceSame as published interest rate

Auto Loan Application
Get your dream car today and apply for an Auto Loan.
Apply now
Customer Support


For inquiries and comments, send us a message or call our 24-hour BPI Contact Center at (+632) 889-10000.

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