• Client Testimonials

Business Banking Client Testimonials

CJ Paguio
Thriving amid Adversity
“GGK is a car wash stop by day, and a restaurant by night. During the lockdown, we had to close the restaurant for seven months. My main priorities at that time were our staff, who lost their jobs and sources of income, and finding ways to settle my payables. I was motivated by these challenges to find a way to start the GGK Asians Food Mini Mart to sell food essentials and needs. During this time, BPI reached out to me and offered me an opportunity to avail of a loan. This enabled me to put up a branch in Magalang, Pampanga. Since our opening, the shop became a hit with customers, and people started asking about franchising. Now, we have grown into six branches in Magalang, Mabalacat, and Angeles. Even if we suffered during the pandemic, with the help of BPI, I was able to recover and help more people who had no work by providing them with jobs in the different branches of my shop.” - Owner, Guido’s Garage Kitchen and GGK Asians Food Mini Mart
JV Habalo
Confidence during Uncertainty
“At the time when COVID-19 was spreading as fast as it could, everyone felt fear, doubt and uncertainty. It was during that time that BPI reached out to me and asked how we were and how our business was affected. They shared the Bank’s outlook and it gave me confidence knowing that they will be there to support me and our business expansion plans. I also appreciate the efforts of my Business Loan Officer who was always there to assist me in securing whatever requirement I needed for my existing credit line and the new construction loan I was applying for. I am confident that my plans will push through in 2021. During the times of doubt and uncertainty, BPI assured me of their support. I now face my business future with confidence.” - Owner, Virtual Realty Inc.
Joey Mempin
Finding a True Partner in Growth
“I started my first business, Maxximiler Distributors Inc., in Bacolod and Iloilo 25 years ago. Maxximiler is in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. We were doing good as more brand owners decided to partner with us for the region we were operating in. BPI helped me grow by providing clean lines to fund the expansion. However, in 1997, the currency meltdown struck the country and interest rates increased by more than 200%. I presented this predicament to BPI, and we agreed on better terms that would help the company stay afloat. In the next 24 years, the partnership flourished and led us to establish five more companies. I will always remember BPI in my humble beginnings.” - Owner, Mempin Group
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