Service in the time of COVID-19

  • Service in the time of COVID-19
Featured Stories
A Message from our President and CEO
“We are here to help position you better: ready to seize opportunities, thrive and succeed in the new tomorrow.” – TG Limcaoco, BPI President and CEO
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For our communities and employees

Unibankers organize FB live selling to raise funds for abused women

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BPI Foundation awards scholarships to next of kin of medical front liners

BPI Foundation pays meaningful and lasting tribute to the heroism and sacrifice of Filipino medical front liners through its "Pagpupugay” Scholarship program, which helps ensure a bright future for their families.

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Road #VaccToNormal: BPI starts vaccination program

The goal is to vaccinate every BPI employee before the end of the year. Here's a report on our first batch of vaccinations.

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Other stories
For our clients

Branch schedule

An updated branch schedule due to the community quarantine.

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SME Client Testimonials

Listen to the success stories of our SME partners amidst these challenging times.

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Bank Safely at Home

Stay home and stay safe. Bank through BPI Online and BPI Mobile app.

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Press releases

Dream Bayan podcast takes off to help build a better Philippines

This new podcast series reimagines how Filipinos can build a new normal amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


BPI launches PH first COVID response bond

We recently launched the country's first peso-denominated bonds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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BPI: Digital Banking enabled the Rise of Hyperlocal entrepreneurs

We are committed in providing digital tools to clients to help them thrive in the new normal.

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Insights Blog
Learn what our leaders think about issues and ideas that can help us all build a better Philippines.
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